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Accumulating Horizontal Power Conveyor

Price: $17,636.00

Model Number: 190ACZ-55-3336

1.9" Diameter x 16 Gauge Galvanized Roller (rollers on 3" centers) in a 6 1/2" x 12 Gauge Channel Frame

33" Between Rail Width

36" Overall Frame Width

8" Wide Black Ultimate 140 BBS Belt

55' Overall Length

65 FPM Constant Conveying Speed


Center Drive


"C" Face Speed Reducer-Sealed Worm Gear

1/2HP "C" Face Totally Enclosed Motor (specify exact voltage)

End Guards

Less Floor Supports

Less Electrical Controls

Image may or may not be your exact model. Images are for reference only.


Click on any picture or title for pricing and complete specifications


model 138acc horizontal accumulating power conveyor live roller conveyors accumulating horizontal power conveyor liver roller conveyors

Model 138ACC Horizontal
Accumulating Power

Model 138LRC, LRS
& LRSS Live Roller

Model 190ACC
Accumulating Horizontal
Power Conveyor

Model 190LRC, LRS
& LRSS Live Roller

accumulating horizontal power conveyor model abez accumulating liver roller conveyor

Model 190ACZ
Accumulating Horizontal
Power Conveyor

model 190nsp live roller conveyor model 190 curve & spur live roller conveyor
model 25-crezd heay duty accumulating conveyor

Model 190 NSP
Live Roller Conveyor

model 25-lrez heavy-duty accumulating conveeyor Heavy-duty plastic belt accumulating conveyor plastic belt conveyor plastic belt curve conveyor

Model 25-LREZ
Heavy-duty Accumulating


model 199-crr chain driven live roller conveyor model 199-crrc chain driven live roller curve conveyor model 25-crr chain driven live roller conveyor model 25-crrct chain driven live tapered roller curve

Model 199-CRR
Chain Driven Live
Roller Conveyor

Model 199-CRRC
Chain Driven Live
Roller Curve Conveyor

Model 25-CRR Chain
Driven Live Roller
Conveyor (Roll-to-Roll

Model 25-CRRCT
Chain Driven
Live Tapered Roller Curve
Conveyor (Roll-to-
Roll Type)

model 26-crr chain driven live roller conveyor chain driven live roller conveyor model 36-crrh heavy duty chain driven live roller with hex shaft

Model 26-CRR Chain
Driven Live Roller
(Roll-to-Roll Type)

powered turntable tl2 heavy duty 2-stage gravity truck loader

Power Flex Heavy-duty
Power Roller Conveyor
w/1.9 Rollers
Cap. 100 lbs. per ft.

Our company is a broad line distributor of Material Handling Equipment such as Accumulating Conveyor, Conveyor,
Powered Live Roller, Conveyors, and Roller Conveyors. In addition, our knowledgeable and friendly staff specializes in
Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyors, Live Roller Conveyors, Power Roller Conveyor, and Powered Turntable.