Shop Options:

ECV Variable Speed Models

Price: $16,104.00

Model Number: ECVMT6010-10-S

Single speed, variable frequency hoist

Motorized trolley


Click any picture or title for pricing and complete specifications.

NER/ER Series Single
& Dual Speed Hoist
with Hook Suspension
(1/8 - 5 Tons)

SNER Series
Single Phase Hoist with
Hook Suspension
(1/4 - 3 Tons)

SEQ Single Phase
Dual Speed (VFD Control)


ed series electric chain hoist ed series electric chain hoist cm lodestar shopstar electric chain hoist

ED Series Dual
Speed Single Phase
Electric Chain Hoist
(125 - 1050 lbs.)

lodestar xl electric chain hoist powerstar electric chain hoist model jlc electric chain hoists
model jlc trolley suspension

Lodestar XL
Electric Chain Hoist
(2 - 7 1/2 Tons)

ec hook & lug suspension models ec trolley suspension models ec-v models electric chain hoist

EC Hook & Lug
Suspension Models
(1/4 - 5 Tons)


  ner large capacity electric chain hoist nerp and nerg large capacity electric chain hoists
nerm large capacity electric chain hoists


drive tractors drive tractors railstar universal motor driven trolley chester low headroom chain hoist

HTP Plain or HTG
Geared Trolleys

Drive Tractors

Railstar Universal
Motor Driven Trolley
(1/8 - 3 Tons)

overhead bridge crane remote control systems chain hoist with hook mount motorized trolleys for chain hoist

Overhead Bridge Crane
Remote Control Systems

GS Series Hoist
(1/8 - 5 Ton)

1 & 3 Ton Chain Hoist
With Hook Mount

ner/er cylinder control electric chain hoists
electric chain hoist

NER/ER Cylinder Control
Electric Chain Hoists


electric chain hoist

NER Food Grade
Electric Hoists


Valustar Electric
Chain Hoist
(1/4 - 2 Tons)


Foundationless Jib
& Hoist Kits
1/8 Ton to 1 Ton




Our company is a broad line distributor of Material Handling Equipment such as Electric Chain Hoists, Chain Hoists,
Motor Driven Trolleys, Lodestar, and Hoists. In addition, our knowledgeable and friendly staff specializes in Trolleys,
Harrington, CM, Coffing, Yale, Chester, Push Trolley, Low Headroom, Dual Speed Hoist, Single Speed Hoist,
Powerstar, and Geared Trolleys.