Shop Options:

Heavy Duty Work Tables With Drawers

Price: $0.00

Model Number: RY472 Dimensions: 36"D x 72"W

2 Stacked 16" Drawers

*Images may or may not be your exact model. Images are for reference only.

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Click any picture or title for pricing and complete specifications.
stackbin workstations stackbin modular workbenches electric assembly work stations
workbench in a box

Stackbin Workstations

Electric Assembly
Work Stations
(Static Dissipative
and Adjustable)

cantilever bench in a box technical workbench in a box ergonomic bench in a box
stackbin packing stations



packaging bench in a box rugged steel shop desks and cabinets stackbin shop desks
heavy duty fixed workbenches


Stackbin Shop Desks

heavy duty fixed workbenches heavy duty and extra duty work tables work stands
steel and concrete benches

Heavy Duty Fixed
(WC, WR, WT & WW)

Heavy Duty and
Extra Heavy Duty
Work Tables

Work Stands
(WS, WV & DR)

Steel and
Concrete Benches

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steel benches

Steel Novak Benches

Steel English Benches

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Steel Mesh Benches

Polysteel Classic
Supreme Benches

Supreme Benches

steel tables picnic tables specialty tables the monster series tables

Steel Tables

Specialty Tables
(Wheelchair, Shelter
and Tot)

The "Monster" Series
(Square Tables and

recycled plastic tables umbrellas for picnic tables park benches benches

Recycled Plastic Tables

Park Benches

Benches ~ Welding

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Fluid Drain Top
Repair Benches

Drafting Tables

Folding Work Tables

Metal Bench with
Straight Back

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Benches, Tables and
Trash Receptacles

Accessories for
Work Benches

Detention / Security Bench

heavy duty folding leg work tables heavy duty workdesks stainless steel workbenches stainless steel workbenches

Heavy Duty Folding
Leg Work Tables -
Model FT

Stainless Steel Workbenches
Model VN

stainless steel workbenches stainless steel workbenches stainless steel workbench tops Steel bench

Stainless Steel Workbenches
Model VP

Stainless Steel Workbench Tops Model UL

WS-200 Steel Bench With Creased Seat

folded steel bench double folded steel bench double folded steel bench with back steel bench

WS-202 Double Fold Steel Bench

WS-203 Double Fold Steel Bench With Back

WS-204 Steel Bench With Patterned Seat

steel bench steel bench with back double fold steel bench with back steel cantilever lounge chair

WS-206 Steel Bench With Patterned Seat and Back

WS-207 Doubel Fold Steel Bench With Back

WS-208 Steel Cantilever Lounge Chair

steel cantilever lounge chair steel cantilever lounge chair extra heavy duty machine table

WS-210 Steel Cantilever Lounge Chair

Extra Heavy Duty
Machine Tables

Heavy Duty Workbenches
Models UJ, UN, UA,





Our company is a broad line distributor of Material Handling Equipment such as Bench, Benches, Steel Bench, and Workbenches.
In addition, our knowledgeable and friendly staff specializes in Assembly Work Stations, Esd Benches, Industrial Benches, Modular
Workbenches, Shop Desks, Workstations, Welding Benches, and Workbenches.